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How To Organise An Online Event

As exhibitions and events are out of the window for 2020, and 2021 has nothing set in stone, the exhibition industry has gone incredibly quiet. Without those large worldwide events to bring companies together, it’s been harder to boost your brand and introduce yourself to new businesses.

It’s a case of missing the face to face interaction and the buzz of a busy exhibition hall. Many things have had to change through COVID-19, pushing us to be flexible and innovative in all that we do. The same goes for exhibiting.

For the foreseeable future exhibitions won’t be going ahead, but it’s important that businesses continue to grow and develop new products and services. Whilst face to face interaction is limited, heading over to an online platform is the next best thing.

So, it’s time you took your exhibition online and held your very own event. And here’s what to consider when planning an online event.

Online Video Platforms

Firstly, you need to choose the online platform you would like to use. Over the lockdown period many names have been popular such as Zoom, Skype and Google Meet.

Choosing the right platform for you and your visitors is key. Check out what the systems have to offer and how they can benefit your day.

Printed Backdrops

Video conferencing and online events are taking place from the office and at home. Regardless of the setting, ever event needs a printed backdrop. It won’t be a large stand as normal but investing in a roller banner or smaller pop up will do the job.

Adding a touch of professionalism and style to your virtual event.

Screening Solutions

If printed backdrops aren’t your think and you want to opt for a different display. Take a chance on a printed screen or even just a plain screen.

The printed option will accept your customised print for a bespoke and colourful finish. In comparison the standard social distancing screens will be suitable as a block colour.

Advertise via social media

To maximise your time and to ensure you have good attendance, make sure you promote your event well.

Use your social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to confirm the date, time and how you are planning to stream. Send out emails to your existing customers and encourage those attending to book a specific time.

Create as much informative and inviting content you can to make this new concept a big hit.

Trialling online events is a great way to test the waters and work out how they run best for your company. Try different techniques with content and backdrops until you find the perfect fit for your business.